New Zealand has the highest incidence of melanoma and skin cancer in the world. The highest risk group is Caucasian males over the age of 60 years, see graphs.

Given the high risk of developing skin cancer, all of those at risk or with new or changing lesions should be assessed by an expert. Richard is an expert dermoscopist and skin cancer diagnostician, he assesses thousands of lesions a year in the clinical setting but also as the lead skin cancer triage Specialist for Waitemata DHB (Te Whatu Ora Waitemata).

A good skin check includes:

Good light

Fully exposed skin

Examination with a dermatoscope or magnification device

Full body examination

People with a strong family history of melanoma should also be in screening and have regular skin checks.

Book an appointment today


1. The burden of non-melanoma skin cancer in Auckland, NZ. A Podicherry, P Emanual, I Meredith, RCW Martin, M Elwood. Australasian Journal of Dermatology 2018; 59 (3): 210-213

2. Trends of Cutaneous Melanoma in New Zealand: 2010 to 2020. D WenJ Pullman, Sharma, RCW Martin. Submitted for publication tc Australasian Jurnal of dermatology.

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